About Me
Hello, I am Erez.
An experienced software engineer, with a vast experience in various software development fields.
After finishing with execllence my B.A in software engeering, I started my first steps in the software development world in a world leading Internet Security company.
Throughout my years there, as a software developer, team leader and a project manager, I've managed to produce and lead various significant projects, currently deployed in thousands of organizations and companies. From minor offices to large enterprises with hundreds of thousand of users.
During this time I've came to realize probably the largest gap today in the software development world - the gap between software development departments and the eventual customers and end users.
The gap between programmers looking to add new cool features for the customers to use, and the eventual customers, wishing mostly to simplify the current features they already use, and ease the current deployment procedures.
With that in mind, I started my own independent journey, of providing software development services with an empahsize on the end users, the ones who will eventually use the system, site or mobile application.

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